
Authors are encouraged to deposit their research findings and associated data in publicly accessible repositories that adhere to established archiving, curation, and citation standards. By doing this, authors can ensure that their work is preserved for future use and can be easily searched and cited by their peers.

The repositories store data in its original form, enabling optimal study, validation, and reuse. This approach ensures that the data is preserved in its purest form, allowing for accurate and reliable results. Such repositories are particularly useful in business and academic settings where data integrity and accuracy are paramount. By maintaining the data in its native form, researchers and analysts can work with the data more effectively, leading to better insights and outcomes.

The International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC) highly recommends using repositories, including but not limited to Dryad DigitaZenodo, and Figshare, to communicate research effectively. These repositories offer a secure, reliable, and easily accessible platform for sharing valuable research data with peers and the wider academic community. The utilization of repositories is an essential step towards promoting transparency, accessibility, and reproducibility of research results, which are fundamental principles in the scientific community. 

Authors must utilize a repository that meets specific criteria to ensure a successful peer-review process. Firstly, the repository must be anonymous to maintain confidentiality. Secondly, data should be publically accessible, and resources should be stable and suitable for all researchers working with the pertinent data types. These factors are essential in ensuring a professional and efficient review process that meets the highest standards of business or academic settings.

Authors must deposit the corresponding data into the repository as part of the article submission process to the International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC). If the associated data still needs to be deposited in the repository, it can be uploaded to Figshare or Dryad Digital during the article submission.


  1. Strictly inherited to the Editorial and Publishing Policies of Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)