Image Integrity and Processing:

The authenticity of a picture (it can also be an image, screenshot, graph, figure, or photo) is a vital process for determining whether its content has remained unaltered since its capture. The image integrity verification is required to hold its integrity and the source’s reliability, which involves comparing the authentic picture to its current state using some tools [1].

Authors should avoid including sensitive and restricted images in their research work. The acquisition of consensus from the relevant communities is essential for ensuring that image integrity adheres to ethical standards.

The International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC) prohibits altering experimental images that could misinterpret scientific data, such as microscopy, electrophoretic gels and immunoblots, including, for example, image assembling, cloning, healing, contrasting and filtering.

The adjustments in contrast settings, size, crop, and other enhancements should be applied to all images. Additionally, Authors must supply a copy of the original image to the editor upon request, ensuring that the quality of the work will be carried out and integral amendments can be made with precision. Authors must ensure to cite the source of an image and figure, regardless of whether or not the copyright holder authorises its reuse.

Furthermore, the legend of each figure and image must contain the appropriate consent from the source. By adhering to ethical standards, authors can indicate their professionalism and expertise while avoiding any legal issues arising from the unauthorised use of copyrighted materials [2].


  1. ORI Research Integrity and Image Processing
  2. COPE- Image Manipulation in a Published Article
  3. Strictly inherited to the Editorial and Publishing Policies of Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)