Editorial Board:
The International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC) provides an opportunity to be part of the editorial Board by submitting the membership form, which allows interested individuals to express their interest and qualifications for serving on the Board. By submitting a membership form, individuals can demonstrate their commitment to the field and willingness to contribute to advancing knowledge and research in their area of expertise. For more detailed information, please visit Responsibilities and Selection Process of the Editorial Board policy.


Dr. Nidhi Srivastava
D.Phil.(Chemistry), M.Sc.(Chemistry), B.Sc.(Botany, Zoology, Chemistry)
Professor, Department of Chemistry, P.P.N. College, Kanpur (U.P), India.

Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Isolation, Purification, Characterization of Plant Constituents by Chemical and Spectral Analysis and Their Bio Screening

Dr. Semenov Anatolii
PhD(Biotechnology), M.Phil(Biotechnology), Diploma(Physics)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Electrical Engineering, Photobiological and Photochemical Processes Under the Influence of UV Radiation, UV Disinfection of Water, Air, Surfaces

General Editors

Dr. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Ph.D(Architecture), M.A(Architecture), B.A(Architecture)
Member of Springer
Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, SSRN
Specialization: Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Design, Landscape

Dr. Sanjeev Patwa
Ph.D. (CS), M.Tech. (IT), BSc. (Physics, Chemistry, Math’s)
Member of CSI
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mody University of Science and Technology (MUST) Lakshmangarh, Sikar (Rajasthan), India.

Links: Google Scholar, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Software Engineering, Software Testing

Associate Editors

Dr. Cristian-Catalin Gavat
Ph.D (Pharmacy – Analytical Chemistry Domain), M.S (Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences), B.S (Chemistry)
Member of IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, WOS
LecturerFaculty of Medical Bioengineering, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Universitatii Street, Iasi, Romania.

Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopusSCIResearch Gate
Specialization: Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Analytical Chemistry, Immunochemistry

Dr. Lucy Mohapatra
Ph.D. (Pharmacy-Pharmacology), M.Sc. (Pharmacy-Pharmacology), B.Sc. (Pharmacy)
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Lucknow, Amity University, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Preclinical Screening, Diabetes, Cancer, Mitochondrial dysfunctions, Sepsis


Dr. Himanshu Narayan Singh
Ph.D. (Biotechnology), M.Tech (Biotechnology), B.Tech (Biotechnology)
Senior Research Scientist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Cancer, Normal Tissues

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tyagi
Ph.D.(Bioscience), M.Sc.(Life Science), B.Sc.(Biology)
Member of Elsevier, Springer
Professor and Dean Research, Department of Biotechnology, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Loop
Specialization: Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology, Drosophila Biology and Genetics

Dr. Ravikumar Madugula
Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering), M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering), B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Wachemo University, Hadiya Region, Ethiopia.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Biosorption, Wastewater Treatment, Industrial Pollution Control 

Dr. Mangesh S Jadhav
NET-JRF (Physical Sciences), Ph.D (Physics), M.Sc(Physics), B.Sc (PMCs)
Assistant Professor & Centre In-Charge, NGPE, Department of Physics, J S S Arts, Science & Commerce College, Karnataka, India.

Links: Google Scholar, Research Gate
Specialization: Nanotechnology, Fiber Optics Sensors

Dr. Yogesh Kumar
Ph.D (Physics), M.Sc (Physics), B.Sc (Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics)
Member of PubMed
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Govt. College, Palwal (Haryana), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Energy Storage Device, Material Science, Nanotechnology

Dr. Anu Sayal
Ph.D. (Mathematics), MSc. (Mathematics), BSc. (PCM)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Business, Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, WOS
Specialization: Fuzzy Inventory Models, Inventory and Supply Chain Management, Statistics

Dr. Shailaj Kumar Shrivastava
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics (Adv. Electronics)), B.Sc. (Physics(Hon’s), Chemistry, Maths)
Principal, Kanhai Lal Sahu College, Nawada (Bihar) Affiliated to Magadh University, Bodh Gaya (Bihar), India.

Links: Google ScholarORCIDResearch Gate
Specialization: High Temperature Superconductivity, Thin Films, Higher Education.

Dr. M. Raji
Ph.D. (Mathematics), TNSET (Mathematical Science), M.Phil. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Sc. (Mathematics)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.

Links: Google Scholar, Scopus, ORCID
Specialization: Graph Theory, Fractals

Dr. Hassen Jaafar
Ph.D. (Molecular Inorganic Chemistry), M.Sc. (Chemistry), B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Member of Elsevier, Springer
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Chemistry, Institut National de Recherche et d’ Analyse Physico-Chimique, Tunisia.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus 
Specialization: Material Characterization, Solid-State Chemistry, Mechanical Alloying, X-Ray Diffraction and Analysis, Intermetallics and Nano Alloys, Hydrogen Storage

Dr. Rupesh Bramhadeo Kadam
Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry), M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry), B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Member of  Springer
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Shrimant Babasaheb Deshmukh Mahavidyalaya Atpadi, Atpadi (Maharashtra), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Extraction Chromatography, Environmental Science, Analytical Chemistry

Dr. G. Rajkumar
Ph.D. (Computer Applications), M.Phil. (Computer Science), MCA, B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Nadar Mahajana Sangam S Vellaichamy Nadar College, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Mobile Computing, Software Engineering, Computer Networks

Dr. Sardorbek Yarmatov
Ph.D (Higher Molecular Compounds), M.Sc. (Chemistry), B.Sc. (Chemistry)
Senior Researcher, Department of Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose and Its Derivatives, Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCIDScopus
Specialization: Polymer Science, Chemistry, Polyfunctional Hemosorbents and Enterosorbents.

Dr. Aloke Verma
Ph.D. (Physics), M. Phil (Physics), B. Ed (Science), M. Sc. (Physics), PGDM
Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Physics, Kalinga University, Village Kotni, Near Naya Mantralya, Naya Raipur (CG), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Material Science, Theoretical & Mathematical Physics

Dr. Sreeram P R
Ph.D. (Physics), MSc. (Physics), BSc. (Physics)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (West Bengal), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, ScopusResearch Gate
Specialization: Thermoelectric, 2D Materials, Energy Harvesting

Dr. Mohd Ashaq
Ph.D.(Botany), M. Phil.(Botany), M.Sc.(Botany), B.Sc.
Sr. Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College Thannamandi, District Rajouri, J&K, India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate
Specialization: Plant Virology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Plant Pathology

Dr. T Christopher Jeyakumar
Ph.D(Chemistry), M.Sc(Chemistry), B.Sc(Chemistry)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The American College, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links:Google ScholarORCID, Scopus, Research Gate, WOSSSRN
Specialization: Inorganic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Catalysis

Dr. Mouni Roy
Ph.D.(Chemistry), M.Sc(Chemistry), B.Sc.(Chemistry)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Central University of South Bihar (Gaya), Patna (Bihar), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Water Remediation, Photocatalytic Reactions, Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Luminescent Chemosensors 

Dr. Mahesh Sudhakar Naik
Ph.D.(Mathematics), M.Sc.(Mathematics), B.Sc.(Mathematics)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Basic Sciences & Humanities, SVKM’s NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering, Mumbai (Maharashtra), India.

Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Modelling & Simulation, Numerical Analysis, Optimization

Dr. Surojit Das
Ph.D(Microbiology), M.Tech(Microbiology), B.Sc(Microbiology)
Member of Springer
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science & Management, Vidyasagar University, Medinipur (West Bengal), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Vidwan
Specialization: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Molecular Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases

Dr. José Luis da Silva Nunes
PhD.(Plant Science), UG(Fitotecnia), PG(Agronomia)
Member of Elsevier
Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Agronegócios, Plant Science,  Badesul Desenvolvimento, Brazil.

Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopusSSRN
Specialization: Agronomy, Plant Science

Dr. Tarkeshwar Gautam
Ph.D (Zoology), M.Phil (Zoology), M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Sc. (Zoology)
Member of IEEE

Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCIDResearch Gate
Specialization: Applied Entomology, Ecology, Animal Behaviour

Dr. G. Lakshmanan
Ph.D. (Botany), M.Phil. (Botany), M.Sc. (Botany), B.Sc. (Botany)
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Phytochemistry, Nanotechnology & Cancer Biology

Dr. Sanjay Dey
Ph.D. (Zoology), M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Sc. (Zoology)
Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Ananda Mohan College, West Bengal (Kolkata), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCIDScopusResearch Gate
Specialization: Ecotoxicology, Aquatic Biology, Biodiversity, Conservation Biology

Prof. Mohammed Ali Garba
Ph.D. (Geophysics), MSc. (Applied Geophysics), B.Tech. (Geology)
Senior Lecturer/SIWES Coordinator, Department of Geology, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate
Specialization: Geophysics

Dr. Muhammad Shahid Nadeem
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Phil (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), B.Sc. (Physics)
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Henan International Joint Laboratory of Nano-Photoelectric Magnetic Material, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate
Specialization: Photocatalysis, Antibacterial, Electrocatalytic Water-Splitting, Energy Storage Devices

Dr. S Prathap
Ph.D. (Mathematics), M. Phil. (Mathematics), M. Sc. (Mathematics), B. Sc.(Mathematics)
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics in S.A. College of Arts & Science, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Operations Research, Reliability, Stochatistic Process